Nutritional supplements

These can be a good way to boost the intake of some foods and to ensure regular intake across the day. There is an however enormous variability in the quality and authenticity of the ingredients.

One of the most important factors when considering a supplement is the reliability of the production and storage. Here are some tips when considering a supplement.


Vitamin A and E

These are important vitamins but they are best derived from whole foods such as vegetables, fish and nuts. Vitamins A & E in excess can block down regulation of anti-oxidant levels when they are not needed. As such they cause anti-oxidant enzymes to remain elevated, even when the oxidative stress subsides. Combined with their direct antioxidant properties this can result in the mopping up of too many ROS directly that can lead to a state called anti-oxidative stress.  This explains why intervention studies have reported that long term intake of vitamin A and E supplements is linked to an increased cancer risk and reduced sporting more


Omega 3/6

These are oils, which originate from the layers of fat within whole fish, as opposed to just the liver as in cod liver oil supplements are much better. Fish oils are particularly rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These fats are essential for the healthy function of the body. They cannot be synthesised by us, so they have to be ingested regularly (like vitamins) and hence the name essential fatty acids. Fish oils are also a good source of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Cod liver oil is also rich in essential oils but there are some concerns that the vitamin A content is too high. Too high a vitamin A, over long periods, can lead to health problems including cancer.

Good quality fish oils also contain phospholipids that improve omega 3 absorption. They also contain an antioxidant called astaxanthin which helps keep the oil protected from oxidation. Bad quality fish oils can be contaminated heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and arsenic as they use larger fish such as swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and albacore tuna. Likewise some supplement have been found, by, to contain dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as they use fish from polluted seas or again larger fish which are higher up the food chain. It may be better to obtain omega 3 and 6 from fresh fish, nuts and chia more


Essential Minerals

Low levels of minerals are now commonplace.  Today, most of the world’s food supply comes from only 12 plants and five animal species. What’s more, in the race to get large quantities of affordable food, modern intensive farming, over cleaning and processing are depleting minerals from many foods on the shelves. The latest study reported that up to 75% of society has suboptimal levels one of more essential trace minerals especially iodine. The more important, rarer trace minerals are found in the supplement PhytoMineral at the precise quantities to supply exactly 100% of the recommended daily allowance of minerals per day– read more


An increasing body of evidence is showing us that wrong profile of  bacteria in our gut effects our gut as well as general  health. Over growth of “bad” pro-inflammatory bacteria leads to premature ageing and many chronic symptoms and diseases. Various lifestyle and nutritional tips can help improve gut health, as can a good quality probiotic … more


Vitamin D

We are all aware low vitamin D can cause weak bones but, it has also been linked to cancer, dementia and heart disease. Sunlight is the most reliable way to increase vitamin D levels. However, as a fat soluble vitamin, the absorption of vitamin D is strongly linked to a healthy gut. A number of studies have linked the intake of a good quality probiotic supplement together with vitamin D supplements with higher blood levels of vitamin D3. Other factors to improve gut health include, eating plenty of prebiotic polyphenols, reducing processed sugar intake, reducing excess meat, exercising regularly and eating bacteria rich foods more


These are responsible for the colour, taste, and aroma of healthy foods such as pomegranate, turmeric cranberries and ginger. Scientific evidence is linking higher intake of phytochemicals to better health and  sports performance and in the longer term, a lower risk of chronic degenerative disease and premature aging. It is not a surprise then, that increased intake has been corrected with: